Daffodil / #HaikuSeed / Feature with Commentary

Featuring haiku written for the #HaikuSeed daffodil

early spring
a lone daffodil
fills a field

counting the years
already half-past
daffodil season

– Luna, @YourMoonliness

A Few Thoughts on the Haiku

Beautiful imagery created by the writer in the first haiku. We have all been in situations where we were the lone person among a group to be something, to represent something, to speak something, to ask something. It is not easy. It takes courage to be yourself in situations where you do not have anyone alike near you to expect passive reassurance or active support from. This is the situation the daffodil finds itself in. Daffodils begin to grow late in winter, even with snow present if I understood correctly and I don’t think there are very many plants that are well known to everyone that flower in winter. So the scene laid out is – a rolling field of frost topped plants and grass; only white and green color as far as the eye could see. But as you gaze at different patches of the field, you notice an yellow shape some way off. This daffodil jumped the gun, brought upon itself an early spring amongst a crowd of shrubs that are biding their time to bloom. Being the only one, and without being intimidated by the fact, the lone daffodil’s courage fills the field and announces the onset of spring.

As for the second haiku, I loved it as soon as I read it and thought – “We’ve got to replace months with a reference to flowering seasons of specific plants and trees”. Like, if you are talking about April month in western parts of the world, you should say “the final stretch of daffodil season“. If you have to mention March month in India, you should say “when the mangoes aren’t ripe yet“. The writer’s creativity has put so many silly ideas in my head.

— Sankara Jayanth Sudanagunta
Founding Editor

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  • All featured works are copyrighted to the respective writers. We would love it if you cite being our journal if your work is going to be published elsewhere, no obligations though.
  • Photos used in our journal are taken by and copyrighted to Sankara Jayanth Sudanagunta unless stated otherwise.


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