Last Week’s #HaikuSeed Blossoms – Feature With Commentary / 14 – 20 March, 2022

Featuring haiku brought to blossom by terrific writers from #HaikuSeed prompts:
door frame, mango, wintry, evening walk, bloom, pattern, tranquil

I seldom dive into language-specific commentary or poetry form-specific commentary. Basically my commentary is not technical. I’m also not good at writing appreciation. I hope the amazing writers being featured do not take offense if my commentary lacks literal words of praise. When a haiku sets off a chain of imagination inside me, there is an ecstasy I experience that I’ve often been aware of when I read haiku by Basho, Issa and the like. So my commentary is usually about all these images in my head spawned by the featured haiku and this is how I show my appreciation for the writers and their amazing haiku.

in the door frame a March moon
cut in half

– Hege A. J. Lepri

Apart from the beautiful image, I feel this haiku lends to several interpretations of human scenes. A lover halfway through the door, leaving angry. Or a lover halfway through the door, taunting and playful. Of course, the cut in half is too sharp of an expression for both these interpretations, unless you subscribe to the absurd.

Why does the writer say the half moon is hiding in the door frame? Did she first search for the moon through a couple of windows in her room, couldn’t find it and she comes out of her room and there! the half moon is hiding in the front door frame.

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Last Week’s #HaikuSeed Blossoms – Feature With Commentary / 06 – 10 March, 2022

Featuring few brilliant haiku brought to blossom by terrific writers, seeded by #HaikuSeed prompts.
#HaikuSeed: weeding, roadside, crane, moss, jolly, scarf

early spring
the crane and the heron
playing statues

– @LazyBookworm

The image of a crane and heron standing still is quite trivial and the haiku wouldn’t be doing much if it was just describing it without doing something more with the juxtaposing image. I felt that early spring doesn’t give any life to the triviality of this moment even though spring itself and the birds are full of it. Instead, the writer’s creative use of playing statues brought all the life into the haiku. Not only is it an entertaining way of saying that the birds are standing still like statues, it could also mean that the crane and the heron are actively playing a game of statue. This interpretation brings back memories from childhood where we as kids shout “statue!” pointing at a person and the person has to literally freeze in place and stay still like a statue. The idea of a crane and heron playing this game is quite amusing.

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Bonfire / #HaikuSeed / Feature

Featuring brilliant haiku written for the #HaikuSeed bonfire

city bonfire
the great leader burns
with his vanities

smoke signals
from a bonfire
I’m lost again

– John, @HawkheadJohn

– Tina Mowrey, @tmowtx

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Uproot / #HaikuSeed / Feature

Featuring brilliant haiku written for the #HaikuSeed uproot

under the swelling wave an uprooted tree

new school
in the fall
uprooted again

– Christina Chin, @Christina_haiku

– Tina Mowrey, @tmowtx

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Marsh / #HaikuSeed / Feature

Featuring brilliant haiku written for the #HaikuSeed marsh

first thaw
the backyard ice rink
turns to marsh

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Spring Moon / #HaikuSeed / Feature

Featuring brilliant haiku written for the #HaikuSeed spring moon

empty sky
someone took
the spring moon

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Soup / #HaikuSeed / Feature

Featuring brilliant haiku written for the #HaikuSeed soup

another cold in the lunchbox soup for days

her spaghetti is
like soup

– Alex Fyffe, @AsurasHaiku

– George Hawkins, @GeorgeH85169860

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Shopfront / #HaikuSeed / Feature

Featuring brilliant haiku written for the #HaikuSeed shopfront

gray sky, cold rain
in the shopfront window,
summer shoes on sale

bullet holes
through the shopfront window

sunday morning Ukraine


– Paul Engel, @LaughingMonk

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Frog / #HaikuSeed / Feature

Featuring haiku written for the #HaikuSeed frog

riding a bike
after the rain
so many frogs

childhood games
the tortured frog
limping away

– Rachel, @WordOmelets

– Alex Fyffe, @AsurasHaiku

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Figure / #HaikuSeed / Feature

Featuring haiku written for the #HaikuSeed figure

lake mist
a swan’s fine figure
serenely glides

two snow figures
side by side
melting together

– Marilyn Ward, @deer_ward

– Skyeku, @FictionCrumbs

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