Sparrow / #HaikuSeed / Feature With Commentary

Featuring haiku written for the #HaikuSeed sparrow

one sparrow —
how big the sky
can be

a pause in the rain
the meadow flooded
with sparrow song

– Luci, @lover__poetic

– Shane Pruett, @HaikuMyBrew

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Sparrow / #HaikuSeed / Editor’s Garden

Today’s #HaikuSeed is sparrow

Over the years sparrows inspired me to write a few haiku which I’m quite happy about and proud of. Sparrows are aplenty in our neighborhood and they are there in our backyard with their live commentary every morning as the sun shyly awakes. Even now, as I write this post, there are sparrows calling to each other, some darting this way and that between our house and the next. Such lively little creatures.

— a sparrow loses balance

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