Featuring this brilliant haiku written for the #HaikuSeed summer
scorching summer noon
a young tree trying to rest
in its own shadow
– Sarita Talwai, @TalwaiSarita
A Few Thoughts on the Haiku
I was already liking the idea of a young tree/plant resting in its own shadow in my initial reads of this haiku. The foliage towards the sun will cast shadows in the other direction, and parts of those shadows first fall on the tree itself. A wonderful expression of what happens on any sunny day. But that wasn’t exactly what the writer is describing, it took me some time before I realized this haiku was capturing a precise moment. noon – I overlooked it, my bad, likely because the scorching sun is so strong, my mind just pictured a random time on a hot day. But at noon, the sun is directly above the young tree, and all its shadow is cast directly under itself. This image is so very different from my initial interpretation, slight though the difference in sun’s position in the sky be. The noon, an precisely at noon, is likely the only time when the young tree could even hope to rest properly in its own shadow.
— Sankara Jayanth Sudanagunta
Founding Editor
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