Featuring haiku written for the #HaikuSeed sparrow
one sparrow —
how big the sky
can be
a pause in the rain
the meadow flooded
with sparrow song
– Luci, @lover__poetic
– Shane Pruett, @HaikuMyBrew
Featuring haiku written for the #HaikuSeed sparrow
one sparrow —
how big the sky
can be
a pause in the rain
the meadow flooded
with sparrow song
– Luci, @lover__poetic
– Shane Pruett, @HaikuMyBrew
Featuring two haiku written for the #HaikuSeed heat
summer heat
barefoot dancing
with mosquitoes
soaking heat …
I am the fly’s
sip of water
– Richard Barnes / @NaumaddicArts
Featuring haiku written by Voimaoy for the #HaikuSeed neighbour
surviving the plague years–
waving to my neighbor
across the street
– Voimaoy / @voimaoy
Featuring haiku written by Richard Barnes for the #HaikuSeed windowsill
hard rain
on the windowsill
tiny elbows
– Richard Barnes / @NaumaddicArts
Featuring haiku written by Anna Orridge for the #HaikuSeed blister
Crocus heads blister
the soil, erupting in
purple tenderness
– Anna Orridge / @orridge_anna
Featuring haiku written by Ash Evan for the #HaikuSeed mosquito
lightly on my wrist
a mosquito
– Ash Evan / @mossinsnow
Featuring haiku written by Shane Pruett for the #HaikuSeed water lily
stars emerging
among the water lilies
a silent frog
– Shane Pruett / @HaikuMyBrew
Featuring haiku written by Alex Fyffe for the #HaikuSeed footprint
glistening leaf the slug’s long footprint
– Alex Fyffe / @AsurasHaiku
Featuring haiku written by Anette Chaney for the #HaikuSeed moonlight
in the stirrings
of the moonlight
a dog barking
– Anette Chaney / @chaney_anette